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Cloudfunding Main Street
Cloudfunding Technology
Global Productivity
.  .  productivity is now defendable  -  sellers control selling prices and buyers a greater buying power
.  .  industry sellers big and small can now balance supply with demand  -  without taking losses
.  .  advertising along with discounting are two of the most costly links in the Supply Chain  -  costs that just disappear, so
.  .  advertising dynamics have been re-invented to monetize Commerce  -  advertising now freely transitions from a cost to a value
.  .  discounting is reverse engineered into a defendable competitive advantage  -  without it costing sellers
Free Economic Value
.  .  Free Economic Value is validated from true Productivity  -  it's free working capital that replaces credit and debt
.  .  it can solve the lack of financial inclusion for the world's most disconnected people  -  it solves inequality
.  .  it's a new paradigm where Productivity is fully rewarded  -  it disrupts the predatory actions of incumbents
Cloudfunding Main Street
Mainstream is now aware of how Crowdfunding works  -  Cloudfunding takes the Global Crowd to an even higher level to sell products and services
.  .  Cloudfunding changes Commerce with predictable selling  -  introduces Free Economic Value and Outsourced Selling to make it all happen
.  .  Free Economic Value is free working capital for the Global Crowd  -  it's just like cash, with no fees, and never needs to be paid back, ever!
.  .  Digital Era now has its own free flowing medium of exchange  -  it's validated with local cash to bring Digital Cash into our Cashless World
.  .  Sellers all along Supply Chains gain defendable advantages in Global Commerce  -  with Localization
.  .  Cloudfunding applies fractional economics so that wealth is shared equitably in the New Sharing Economy
ComTechX has a new economic model for Industry MarketsTransport  -  Accommodation  -  Travel  -  Agriculture  -  Health  -  Retail  -  Energy
.  .  .  from coffee growers to cafes  .  .  .  fruit growers to stores  .  .  .  milk farmers to stores  .  .  .  hotels to travelers  .  .  .  fuel suppliers to drivers
.  .  Sellers control their full inventory while Outsourced Selling gets them predictable sales  -  litre by litre, room by room, meal by meal, ticket by ticket
Small businesses are the backbone in all societies, world wide  -  having access to a modern capital system is imperative for the Digital Era
fuel   -   taxis   -   hotels   -   restaurants   -   events   -   travel   -   trekking   -   sharing   -   Cloudfunding Main St

groceries   -   fashion   -   books   -   delivery   -   content   -   subscriptions   -   On-demand   -   connecting   -   insurance

health   -   education   -   energy   -   housing   -   leasing   -   logistics   -   Used Market   -   Used Cars   +   more
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.  .  the era of asking  .  .  'Please, sir, I want some more?'  .  .  asking for personal and business finance will come to an end in the digital era!
Cloudfunding disrupts global banking with solutions that helps scale global productivity, and caters for the world's new demographics
The world can't wait for dysfunctional legacy systems structured to consistently fail to scale  -  banks will be redundant in the Digital Economy
.  .  everyone is now a    Global Citizen    and deserves better!
The Digital Era is seen to have three main pillars, Social, Information and Commerce  -  ComTechX focus is Commerce and the Digital Economy
Fresh Start
.  .  it begins in a Cashless World with a risk-free financial resource  -  one that's freely available in unlimited quantities and correlates directly with global productivity
Finance and Commerce have always operated as two separate systems  -  in the Old Economy, Finance has controlled Commerce with money supply

ComTechX reengineers those two systems by monitizing Advertising as the catalyst to establish the New Economy for the now and future generations

.  .  it's been said that Digital Advertising is as effective as fairy dust, with little ROI  -  so there's never been a better time to reinvent it, than now
Cloudfunding sucks in both ends of Commerce to form the dynamics of a Cloud Commerce ecosystem  -  merging Commerce and Technology into a new Industry

ComTechX as an Industry has the economic and productive platform where industries, businesses, entrepreneurs and startups can gain globally competitive advantages
Cloudfunding  .  .  reinvents Advertising dynamics  -  making it free and predictable for Sellers  -  generates real-time Demand
.  .  advertising is more than just clicks and impressions  -  new metrics now account for real predictable sales
Free Advertising
Commerce needs advertising's dynamics, what Cloudfunding does is it reengineers advertising as a value added component, instead of it being an intrusion

.  .  an Opt-in user friendly experience removes the intrusive online advertising  -  user friendly monetization synergizes with built-in value added content
Digital Advertising does have a natural organic social influence that can transfer seamlessly across borders  -  but will always fall short in closing sales

.  .  there's nothing wrong with Advertising per se, its job is to expose products  -  what Cloudfunding does is it completes the full Commerce cycle, for free
.  .  social influence has been monetized into Internet's free Social Capital currency  -  making it so scalable it can influence Global Productivity

.  .  that influence is captured and validated commercially as Cloudfunds  -  it's Free Economic Value and can be used in Commerce everywhere
.  .  it's fully accountable, sustainable and ubiquitous  -  it's free working capital, free to earn, has no interest or fees, and never needs to be paid back, ever!
  Cloudfunding taps into all the inventory Sellers have stored ready to sell  -  such as Industries with stock sitting on shelves in stores and warehouses

.  .  unlimited service inventories such as events, rooms, doctor bills, taxis etc  -  anything sellable is productivity and it can all be monetized for free
Small business  -  SMEs are the central entities, with the capacity to use their inventories and workforces, and be the main drivers of the Digital Era
.  .  of a secure Free Economic Value system that's ubiquitous and borderless to operate with in global commerce, with guaranteed consumer privacy
For 50 years the world relied on money supply to control economies  -  that strategy no longer works, velocity of productivity is the Digital Era's future
The Cashless World opens up the frontier to Global Commerce with the economic engine that bypasses incumbents from the Old World economy
For Global Productivity to scale, fair compensation is needed for all those participating in the Supply Chains  -  Wages are central in scaling
Early Internet failed to implement a free flowing digital financial system that crossed borders to give users a free ubiquitous experience  -  it does now
.  .  instead of paying for clicks and impressions  -  Cloudfunding pays out a percentage of actual sales originating from displays on websites
.  .  the era is here where wealth of a person will move wherever they go  -  sophisticated algorithms will securely store and advise on wealth, not banks

                          1.  Cloudfunds  -  Free Economic Value is earned simply by viewing QwickPics, then using it as free working capital
UDC  -  digital cash is a neutral trading currency that is constantly compared with global currency values
Outsourced Selling  -  provides the incentive to generate commercial productivity without fees or adding debt
Global Payments  -  the exchange of value to complete borderless, ubiquitous commerce, free of all fees
                      5.  Products and services are exchanged at sustainable high selling prices and low buying prices, simultaneously

Those days of crazy 'sales' and 'discounting are over  -  businesses no longer need to 'lose profits' just to get sales
Discounting itself is great as it finds real-time demand but has dramatic long-term consequences for Sellers and the economies
Cloudfunding solves the Seller's dilemma of losing profits when relying on race to the bottom discounting, as a sales strategy
If there's stock on the shelves, racks full of inventory waiting for a Buyer, then the product or service is not in demand at the price
Outsourced Selling changes that lack of demand with predictable sales at full Selling Prices and low Buying Prices for Buyers
Outsourced Selling
Outsourced Selling skips traditional marketing by having more incentive  -  there's no targeting buyers, instead it's open markets and serendipity
ComTechX reinvents digital advertising:  until now Sellers paid for digital advertising to sell  -  now digital advertising pays Buyers to buy
.  .  it's the Cashless World of Commerce  -  from economy to economy  -  Global Commerce is now ubiquitous and scalable!
.  .  velocity of a local currency determines an economy's strength  -  Cloudfunding scales that velocity globally with free economic value
.  .  Free Economic Value has the capacity to fund emerging countries with Direct Foreign Decentralized Capital ( DFDC ), directly into local economies
Cloudfunding is a 21st Century cashless solution to a 20th Century problem  -  giving the next generations financial control and hope
.  .  in all history, there has never been a time when any country has ever been able to rally the troops to stimulate their economies, for free!
.  .  a new social connection is ready to expand the Cashless World, where social influence is both quantified and validated as Social Capital
.  .  Cloudfunding innovation will scale digital employment on a global level, connecting global productivity with a people-centric environment
.  .  earning Cloudfunds is as simple as charging a mobile phone  -  just charge up an account and get ready to spend the free working capital
.  .  SMEs world wide can now use Free Economic Value to help grow their business, no collateral or interest to pay  -  the status quo is disrupted
Seller Upload
.  .  Advertising now has a more valuable role to play in Commerce  -  as a social influence, it can get predictable sales for any Seller
Open Markets
80% of food consumed in Asia and Sub Saharan Africa is produced by smallholder farmers, some of the poorest people in the world
.  .  with the world's population expected to grow to 9 billion by 2050, and consume 60% more food  -  there's some serious work ahead

Local Media    QwickPic           QUIK-Pics
Local Media    Search               Business
  ComTechX challenges banking dependency in Commerce, by only tracking the Ownership, and not by holding the Cash

Cloudfunding brings a true Cashless World into reality, not just in a digital version of Cash that the banks operate with

Global Commerce exchange values have been reinvented to flow ubiquitously and free  -  from economy to economy

Cloud Commerce overcomes the limitations in Global Commerce by absorbing and eliminating the old costly incumbents

The scene for a Cashless World has been set to operate from within societies, not from dysfunctional banking systems
.  .  the world will move fast to become a cashless society, one that will operate in real-time, in a totally new dimension

.  .  cash will not enter the cashless world  -  local cash only needs to 'kiss the peripheral edges' for comparison values

.  .  'cash' by itself is worthless, so warehousing it is pointless  -  generating productivity is what brings value to economies
.  .  Ownership is a momentous shift away from being part of a monetary system to a cashless economic system

.  .  this shift changes the dynamics of how global commerce and trade payments move freely from economy to economy

.  .  commerce is a seamless flow of digital capital in open markets using ubiquitous payments on a secure single platform
.  .  Cloudfunding changes the economic outcome of local economies by eliminating the costs incurred with old world incumbents

.  .  there will be no place for the peripheral industries that extract value from economies during commerce activity  -  it will all be free

.  .  banking is structured to extract value from societies for the few  -  Cloudfunding is structured to distribute value back into societies

.  .  banking uses a parasitic system to flow value to the pyramid top  -  Cloudfunding incentives local activity to expand value globally

.  .  trust in a Cashless World shifts back to the age old mechanisms when a medium of exchange passed freely from Buyer to Seller
Global Digital Finance
Incentives for Sellers far exceed the costs of using old world banking  -  incentives for Buyers with Buying Power that far exceed credit and discounting
Internet's Free Economic Value System is set in local economies where commerce can scale exponentially with competitive advantages via Localization
Localization avoids the reliance by industries on subsidies and import protection  -  places local SMEs and industries in control of their local economies
Local economies are no longer isolated from global commerce and capital, new funding in Direct Foreign Decentralized Capital can transform economies
  QwickP2P QwickPic Ready
Paying It Forward
.  .  pay it forward is the cash payment made to a local seller, for past purchases, in exchange for the ownership of the seller's digital cash, for future purchases              

.  .  the era of transferring money around the world with incumbents is closing fast  -  a cashless world can now securely flow ubiquitously economy to economy             
.  .  international travel will become fluent and frictionless with all location economies benefiting from borderless commerce
  Outsourced Selling  
Price Demand
.  .  it's great for industries like hotels  -  where full occupancy at full selling prices, is not the norm
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.  .  the entrepreneur spirit is waiting everywhere to be woken  -  cloudfunding holds the keys to opening up the digital world
ComTechX  -  Commerce and Technology Organization

Local Media    QwickPic           QUIK-Pics
Local Media    Search               Business
ComTechX merges Offline and Online Commerce into a SaaS Ecosystem, by decentralizing control and giving it over to the people.

A plethora of Commerce services from Advertising to Payments are merged on an autonomous platform with Free Economic Value.

ComTechX monetizes the full value of any inventory on sale  -  reinvents how Advertising works by validating it as free working capital.

Tech now aligns Global Productivity in a scalable Digital Economy  -  on a Platform that flows equitably across the Digital Economy.

ComTechX's focus is to help solve inequality in emerging and developed societies, by applying fractional economics to Localization.

Global Markets are reinvented to bypass shareholders  -  instead, New Digital Trade Routes will spread Global Productivity Wealth.

.  .  the future is capable of supporting a universally Distributed Income  -  automation and social capital will free people from unrewarding work
.  .  centrally controlled global markets will shift to democratically operated ecosystems that directly correlate with global productivity
.  .  regardless of what innovation the digital era produces, the economy between Supply and Demand will always be in control
ComTechX is a neutral platform for the growing global prosumer ( producers and consumers working together in commerce ) movement.
  Outsourced Selling QwickPic Ready
    Everyone, every family has reoccurring costs for the basics to live  -  Outsourced Selling makes them affordable

Costs like Electricity, Food or Health can be reduced by building a team that competes to win deals for you.

                                                                                                                        .  .  .  read more

  Outsourced Selling QwickPic Ready
fuel   -   taxis   -   hotels   -   restaurants   -   events   -   travel   -   trekking   -   sharing   -   Cloudfunding Main St

groceries   -   fashion   -   books   -   delivery   -   content   -   subscriptions   -   On-demand   -   connecting   -   insurance

health   -   education   -   energy   -   housing   -   leasing   -   logistics   -   Used Market   -   Used Cars   +   more

  Sellers - Sign up for early access
We're opening up to Sellers early, so if your business wants to get 'a competitive advantage', add your details

  .  .  .  for more details

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Check out a Deal Registration and Cloudfund Strategy

See a Snap-Shot view of a Cloudfund strategy and bidding for Deals

Cloudfunding generates Price Demand  -  digitizes 'cash' to flow ubiquitously around the world

What's The Monetizing Moment?

Cloud Commerce operates by Outsourcing the Selling to the Crowd by Cloudfunding

How Sellers Outsource their Selling to the Crowd?

QwickP2P   'Pay it Forward, Now!' completes the sales activity for sellers!

As UDC is validated and exchanged in the Digital Economy it permeates out into local economies!

see the connection of players that help achieve 'Productivity' :   Global Cloud Productivity

Wherever your Location is - you are not alone!

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