DeCom  CloudfundMe           .  .  decentralizing new Capital flows in the digital age with e2eCommerce
Cloudfunding monetizes inventories with new capital flows
.  .  local economies have the collateral in local inventories to generate free capital flows
Strategy           -           Fast-Track sales           -           Partner Strategy
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Cloudfunding changes everything
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Queen Bee Loyalty Program
SMEs don't need to do it alone anymore
there's now  -  a totally new economic alliance of local communities!
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Local Media    QwickPic           QUIK-Pics
Local Media    Search               Business
Cloudfunding brings a new equilibrium to supply and demand

CloudfundMe works for both sides of supply and demand where a seller wants to sell inventory and get free Capital to expand, and where the buyer can collect free Capital and use it as working capital to buy things at affordable prices, adding more wealth to their lives.

For sellers it begins by listing inventory they want to sell at the full selling prices without needing to discount or pay any fees  -  basically sellers outsource the selling of their products or services and the global crowd is guaranteed to fully monetize each unit of their inventory at the full selling prices.

Cloudfunding operates at all level of the supply chain from producers of crops to retailers selling the end product  -  when sellers are limited to prices set by buyers, this is where Cloudfunding gives the advantage to sellers with full profitable selling process while giving buyers the chance to buy at lower prices.

Cloudfunding reverses the mechanics in Commerce so the buyers benefit from the products and services already fully monetized  -  it means that buyers only need to pay what they want when the seller releases the deals with Price Demand.

Cloudfunding applies Game Theory to Outsourced Selling to fully monetize the inventory, and Price Demand provides the means for a buyer to Activate a process that starts the full selling price to cascade down to as low as 20%, with the first buyer to accept a buying price winning the deal, all without it interfering with the seller receiving the full selling prices.

Cloudfunding changes how Capital flows into local economies

Cloudfunding is the economic e2e infrastructure that sits above B2B, B2C and D2C commerce activity  -  what Cloudfunding does is it provides new algorithmic economics that allow the selling prices to be separated from the buying prices, and finds a true stable and sustainable equilibrium between buyers and sellers that helps the local economies to have a greater velocity of activity.

Cloudfunding doesn't create money, it digitally aligns with local currencies already in local economies and perpetually redistributes it using technology that stimulates the flow of economic value in local economies through a decentralized and democratic consensus using Productivity as the leading catalyst  -  with the end focus of increasing the economic growth in those local economies.

Cloudfunding shifts the mechanics in Commerce so there's a new entry point where Capital flows into local economies  -  instead of rent-seeking Credit ( credit cards, loans, trading terms ) being distributed across communities before there's any productivity, or not  -  Cloudfunding leads with productivity by distributing a free untapped and sustainable resource out into global communities, with plenty of incentive to generate more productivity.

Smart Contacts are generated in the Outsourced Selling's Game Theory process guaranteeing full selling prices are collected and held in escrow until the final buyer is successful with Price Demand, releasing the value once the product or service is exchanged.

As products and services get sold from various towns, cities, regions and countries, this activity begins to establish local economic hubs known as Free Open Market Economic Zones - FOMEZs, forming the economy to economy - e2eCommerce  -  this RingLink connection of economies is displayed in the Global Chamber of Economies that's constantly updated with Productivity from each listed location.



Free Direct Backing

As part of the Outsourced Selling process a hidden wealth tax or local activity tax is collected against each product and service sold without interfering with the selling prices  -  this local tax is then distributed equally across the user's Universally Distributed Income - UDI portfolios that hold the various amounts of Locations.

What changes for any business that would normally borrow from financial institutions to help expand and grow, is how Cloud Capital flows differently  -  businesses wanting capital can use Free Direct Backing  -  now instead of having to commit collateral and pay interest or even need to pay back the capital  -  businesses present the ideas to the Global Crowd and they decide if it deserves funding, based on what the business has done in helping productivity growth and what they expect to do in the future with the free backing  -  think of it like governments using subsidies to drive economic growth, only on a global scale.

It's the combination of economy to economy economics with the decentralized freedom of Capital to move without incumbents that provides the Open Markets where users are able to gain more affordable things in their lives, like being able to afford Home Ownership.


New Rails of Trade

Local Media    Global Market    Global Productivity Market
Local Media    Places                Places
Local Media    Locations           Global Productivity Market
Local Media    Portfolio             Portfolio
Local Media    Affordable          QUIK-Afford
Local Media    QwickBuys        QUIK-Buys
Local Media    QwickStay         QUIK-Stay
Local Media    QwickTrek         QUIK-Trek
Local Media    QwickBite          Quik-Bite
Local Media    QwickPass       QwickPass
    Auto Demand    QwickFlip
Local Media    QwickTrip          Transportation

Local Media    QwickP2P          QwickP2P

Local Media    OMM                   OMM

                  Sellers Exchange

Local Media    ComTechX

Local Media    New Economy

Local Media    DeCom Markets

Local Media    Local Demand

Local Media    SME Cloudfunding

Local Media    Local Media      Local Media


    -   Seller Co-Ops
    -   Buyer Co-Ops

    Queen Bee         Queen Bee

RingLink technology brings a unique level of decentralized distribution Online

Rings get established when a seller from a location lists their inventory and establishes a local economy in the Global Chamber of Economies  -  there will be thousands of Rings added to the Chamber of locations as new connections come Online, which will form a DOME around the world that everyone connects to  -  each Ring forms a Free Open Market Economic Zone - FOMEZ, which once established is there for all local sellers to automatically link to whenever they want to Outsource the Selling

Each unit of inventory records a timestamp when each of the micro-values are collected by users around the world, who, automatically connect independently to the inventory release  -  this initial connection with a user somewhere around the world begins the decentralization of each micro-value being associated with the Ring, FOMEZ location and seller, which is totally unique  -  the same unique connection occurs in reverse whenever a user uses that micro-value ( Cloud Capital / Cloudfunds / Free Economic Value ) in their strategies as an OMM - Open Market Maker.

Intersections and timestamps

When inventory is listed and the micro values distributed along the Rings to link with Users, there's a unique timestamp recorded at each intersection with other Rings that can't be changed  -  and whenever a value sent by a User it contains the history of each micro value that makes up the total amount being sent  -  the data collected from each movement can contain hundreds and even thousands of timestamps that are held on a ledger showing where the values have come from  -  and Users have access to the history of each payment and transfer of ownership and value  -  the data records are like the DNA of each movement from the origin and flow of values across the world  -  the migration history of money moving from economy to economy is something uniquely important for the future of economic growth.

The distribution of value across these economies is tracked in the Global Chamber of Economies, this is the collection of all the local FOMEZ economies and the activity that tracks the change of ownership across global Users  -  it records the movement of FEV and UDC when Users help in generating productivity with the Direct Foreign Decentralized Capital into various economies  -  Users individually benefit from the productivity that takes place in those economies  -  Users can become a new type of equity holders in local economies by collecting a range of locations where productivity takes place  -  Users can collect in any number of local economies around the world generating productivity, and unlike anything before users can even help generate new productivity in those locations by being an OMM.

Global workforce with a proof-of-work consensus

RingLink creates the connections from the time a seller lists their inventory to outsource the selling, where each unit of inventory is linked to the universal trading value that's distributed globally to Users collecting the FEV  -  the Global Crowd then use their individual strategies to transfer value and ownership via the Direct Foreign Decentralized Capital  -  what the Global Crowd is doing is individually selecting which economy, which industry and which product unit that they direct their strategy and value into  -  their effort is a proof-of-work that combines with others to form a unique global consensus in financing a seller's inventory.

This change of only outsourcing the selling price and not the manufacturing is a disruption to the tradition of using up cheap Labour Market  -  but it's needed to stem the imbalances back inside developed countries that have gradually declined over the last decades with job losses, wage stagnation and increased indebtedness brought on by increased prices of essential household items and cost of living, basically the lack of local productivity  -  Localization.

Cloudfunding mechanics disrupt this type of outsourcing to the vulnerable countries by providing the local domestic manufacturing industries ( in countries that usually send their manufacturing elsewhere ) with a sustainable environment that has a competitive advantage on price against imported products outsourced to and from other locations.

RingLink tracks the change of ownerships along the supply chains and out into the general consumer world  -  tracking data is a key element of the overall Cloudfunding platform, which at its core has a similar economic model proposed in a past era that included a neutral central mechanism be used to track international flows of assets and liabilities  -  Cloudfunding in many ways is the modern version of such a model.

Cloudfunding protects the local domestic manufacturing and retailing with Localization along new Rails of Trade where Supply meets Demand with new Rules of Engagement.

It begins with Users simply connecting with a browser or mobile on any number of devices that users want to begin with to collect the free Cloudfunds ( Free Economic Value ), creating unlimited number of accounts  -  each of the accounts can help collaborate in strategies for particular deals or operate separately.

Sellers join a ubiquitous open global market

Sellers have relied on basic economic dynamics to sell Inventory but Cloudfunding changes all that with Outsourced Selling and Price Demand  -  instead of waiting for a single buyer to come to the store offline or online Cloudfunding gives the sellers a global marketplace to list their inventory to sell to market makers who fully monetize the selling prices  -  before releasing it back to the sellers to then release it to their local buyers.

The change is the separation of the sellers and buyers directly interacting with each other  -  the selling is decentralized by the number of market makers ( OMM ) who are incentivized through a distribution mechanism that draws on an international trading value to fully monetize each inventory unit.

Instead of sellers trading one to one with buyers, the inventory quantity is listed up to the RingLink where each unit of inventory is split into micro-values and collected by users around the world  -  each micro-value is then tracked during its 'spends' in the Outsourced Selling process all the way through to the release to local buyers who use Price Demand to compete to buy the products and services.

Automated Selling is here now

Cloudfunding removes the need for advertising and payment service incumbents by utilizing the universal trading cash that's continually validated by the sellers liquidating their sales with their local buyers.

Unlike the disruption in some industries when automation takes over, Selling along the supply chains from manufacturing to retailing gains a competitive advantage with Cloudfunding and Automated Selling with new dynamics that has cash sales ( no credit terms ), there's no advertising costs or discounting to worry about  -  sale personnel can now focus on Customer Service and be part of the business's Digital Sales Division.

QwickPic Ready QwickPic Ready

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Expression of interest are open for SMEs, seller groups, shopping precincts and co-ops etc in the Queen Bee loyalty program.
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buyers who can join together in buyer co-ops, families or individuals  -  everyone can benefit from cascading buying prices
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