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Real time Demand
Cashless World
Price Demand
Sellers still get their full Selling Prices  -  while Buyers pay a fraction of those Selling Prices
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  Real-time Price Demand

To have real-time price demand in business is the ultimate function in Commerce.

The frequency of demand for any product or service is the lifeline for any business  -  being able to stack the shelves with new inventory and have all the items fully monetized via an Outsourced Selling process even before releasing the items to the local buyers is a game changer to traditional selling  -  that's when Price Demand takes over with cascading Buying Prices and leaves it up to the Buyer to pay what they want  -  real time Price Demand does all the selling and leaves more time for businesses to deal with the Customer Service.

To be able to have products and services available to sell and be able to simply release details of the items online to the local Buyers and have immediate sales, is the ultimate demand for any business.

Having to generate demand with frequent discounting is from a lack of flexibility in Supply and Demand, it can often be traced back to large quantities needing to be ordered to get the low prices that can cause issues like over-supply of product lines, which can often overlap with new orders  -  Outsourced Selling overcomes that.

End of season and Black Friday type sales are the frequent way to jazz up the heavy discounting but consumers have the upper hand now after so many sales, they know the strategies of many sellers using such sales, businesses may survive to sell another day but it's at a heavy cost  -  Outsourced Selling offers those types of sales everyday but without the heavy losses.

This is where Localization becomes the obvious answer to ordering smaller quantities that can be repeated far quicker than needing to rely on off-shore manufacturing, if reliable local supplies can be delivered in smaller quantities, then repeat orders can be met with more frequency.

Maybe the suppliers use Outsourced Selling as part of their business strategy, which can start the chain reaction down to the consumer, who takes advantage of the real-time.

Not needing to wait for customers to find the products and services and go through the sales pitch and time consuming wait to clear the shelves, even needing to start discounting the last of the items is money and time lost.

Outsourced Selling solves the time delay from the release time of when products are made available to customers and when the last item is cleared from the shelves  -  real time demand virtually eliminates that cost to the Sellers

Real-time demand is keyed into the Outsourced Selling process as soon as the products and services are listed by the Sellers, once local Buyers know of the pending releases they are able to set their Notification alert settings to do the buying for them.

Local Buyers can participate in the bidding process to get in early and they can also pre set the amount that they are willing to pay for the item when the Price Demand is set by the Seller or lets the Buyers know when it's available to buy at the LA Deal Price.

The local Buyers only need to have funds in their QwickPay accounts to use the settings to buy immediately products and services are released, saving all the effort of waiting on the phone  -  adding funds to a QwickPay account is via Pay It Forward, Now!.

Cashless World is autonomous

That massive number of people from developed and developing countries that are limited to financial options are able to move to a Cashless World and gain more from Cloudfunding with Free Economic Value and Outsourced Selling.

There is no relationship with the world's banking systems, the cashless world will operate autonomously by providing all the financial tools and services needed to fully function independently  -  this is where the velocity of productivity takes command of growth.

The meaning of 'cashless' is true by the fact that there is no cash or fiat currencies held by the platform, the only need for any connection with cash is to verify the real-time value of a local currency with a comparison to other global currencies.

The medium of exchange that operates in the Cashless World is fully validated by the exchange of products and services between Buyers and Sellers in the physical world  -  the comparison with the local currency happens when the Seller liquidates their sales.

As the liquidation continues with the digital cash only kissing the local Cash to verify the comparison value of the local currency against the other global currencies  -  each time it completes a process, it increases the amount of validated Digital Cash flowing within the Cashless economies  -  at no time is local Cash ( fiat currencies ) held by the Platform or any of its associated entities.

As inventory is listed for Outsourced Selling, the incentive for Buyers and the Global Crowd to continually share in the allocated Cloudfunds happens in seconds, once the validation has been made the strategies begin, the process of collecting and strategizing using the Free Economic Value has a perpetual motion in continually generating Productivity  -  24 / 7.

The transition of advertising, from being part of the mechanics of Commerce, to its distribution as Free Economic Value, and its validation as free working capital tied to genuine Global Productivity in the Supply and Demand of products and services, through to its final validation as a neutral global digital trading capital  -  key to the ongoing perpetual flow of economic growth in the New Economy.

Over time the need to liquidate will decrease and the value of the local currency will dissolve into the global Digital Cash, while still being indelibly tied to the local 'productivity' and its populations ability to respond to its needs and goals in building its own economy.

The use of currency markets to gain the upper hand in trade by countries will decrease over time as the markets shift to real-time productivity and become more controlled by the democratic process held by the populations that interact from economy to economy.

The banking industry's role as the controller and money-supplier will continue to operate until only criminals and bankers exist.

The change of how markets will work, comes with the change in how influence and value cross borders to stimulate local economies by the actions of local Sellers using free Direct Foreign Decentralized Capital  -  Cloudfunding does the rest.

Linked to Universally Distributed Income ( UDI ) Portfolios

With all commerce activity on the Platform each product and service that's processed with Outsourced Selling and Buying activity  -  it's linked back through to the UDI - Universally Distributed Income ( UDI ) Portfolios from where all Users can build a collection of Location Tokens and gain a share of the Location Activity Tax collected and distributed across all the global activity in real time.

ComTechX Industry

ComTechX is an Industry of Commerce and Technology, and it encompasses all the services associated with Commerce, this includes the founding of the new medium of exchange that takes over the role of banks in Commerce with the free digital financing of both business and consumer, regardless of where they sit along the Supply Chain, the technology includes eliminating any need for incumbents in the exchange process of final payment between the Buyers and Sellers.

The ComTechX platform eliminates the incumbents operating in the Old Economy methods that relied upon the extraction of value from the productivity supply chains, replacing it with New Economy morals that offer societies the freedom of a Cashless World.

The ComTechX Industry ecosystem is evolving into a Global Trust entity, with a mandate to secure the individual Ownership of all digital cash for all global citizens, it's a self sustainable NGO system committed to monitoring all activity from a neutral position  -  at no time does ComTechX or its associated group hold or accept physical monies on behalf of the global players.

Seller Register

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Outsourced Selling  

                      1.  Upload images of the items with a description and full Selling Prices

                      2.  Outsourced Selling process escrows the Selling Prices and process details

                      3.  If an OMM wins the bidding then the Deal is released to local Buyers  -  details of the Buyer are updated

                      4.  At the collection of the item, a Code provided by the Buyer releases the full Selling Prices

                      5.  Sellers have the option to use the funds to spend with other Users or liquidate using Pay It Forward, Now!


Every Seller using Outsourced Selling now has a better than Competitive Advantage in their local trading zone.

-  it can be applied with anything locally produced, manufactured or retailed along the Supply Chain.

-  it can give Sellers unlimited predictable and guaranteed sales, all for free.

Outsourced Selling is pro-active, it 'pushes' commerce to achieve sales.

Cloudfunding can gain economies of scale across all countries and commerce in the Digital Era

Outsourced Selling  

Scale and velocity of trade and commerce is a key attribute of Outsourced Selling  -  great for local economies

SMEs, even industries like Solar Energy, can use Outsourced Selling to leapfrog the competition  -  for free

Pressure by predatory trade in the Supply Chains placing the likes of food suppliers in jeopardy, is countered.

Outsourced Selling turns Globalization around so as local Sellers have better control  -  this is Localization


Economy 2 Economy

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Growth in the 21st Century needs economies of scale without multiplying debt, as the case in the 20th Century

Multiplication of growth can now be scaled by tapping into the Global Crowds' thirst for a better lifestyle

The Global Crowd are independent market makers with equal opportunity to earn profit like any business

Their combined activity can be compared to a product assembly line that uniquely produces productivity

Outsourced Selling finds equilibrium in Supply and Demand, giving Buyers and Sellers the winning formula

Free Advertising and Outsourced Selling solves the last hurdle in marketing, it gets sales with the one action

With no cost at either end of the commerce process, it achieves sales without targeting or discounting a product

Once the bidding has completed the Sellers, the Deals can be released to the Buyers in the Seller's trading zone

-  Flexi-Deals begin at the full Selling Prices, then cascades down to the OMM's winning bid, a maximum 20% price

Why?  -  Because Commerce needs to operate at the highest digital level in a scalable Digital Economy,

.  .  .  if it's to achieve major economic results, at the least possible cost.

The Platform has a fully autonomous SaaS architecture that's structured to form the ComTechX industry  

-  it adds the incentives for the Global Crowd to be involved in expanding the decentralized structure.

It expands Main Street's online strategy, giving Sellers the way to sell products at impossible to ignore low prices

It gives Sellers the time to provide greater customer service, without fear of surviving on discounted margins

Outsourced Selling changes the landscape in commerce, until now Sellers have been obliged to sacrifice profits

Sellers now sell at full profit, giving buyers benefit of discounts  -  how long could a Seller's competitors survive?

When Sellers list products the required Sales Taxes are included in the full list price, recorded ready to download

Discounting only solves short term Demand, at an economy's expense  -  Outsourced Selling isn't discounting

Outsourced Selling helps solve an unsustainable global debt  -  it opens up a scalable Digital Economy

QwickPic Ready
Check out a Deal Registration and Cloudfund Strategy

See a Snap-Shot view of a Cloudfund strategy and bidding for Deals

Cloudfunding generates Price Demand  -  digitizes 'cash' to flow ubiquitously around the world

What's The Monetizing Moment?

Cloud Commerce operates by Outsourcing the Selling to the Crowd by Cloudfunding

How Sellers Outsource their Selling to the Crowd?

QwickP2P   'Pay it Forward, Now!' completes the sales activity for sellers!

As UDC is validated and exchanged in the Digital Economy it permeates out into local economies!

see the connection of players that help achieve 'Productivity' :   Global Cloud Productivity

Wherever your Location is - you are not alone!

    Join the Crowd that's going to get it right - get updates about the coming launch!                                     
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