DeCom Subliminal Interactive Advertising                                       .  .  brings a decentralized and democratic economic platform to the real economy!
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Outsourced Selling
Cloud Commerce now makes the Offline and Online Salesperson part of the after sales customer experience, rather than being the Salesman
With price primarily being the only real decider in any sale, it gives FREE Outsourced Selling the perfect run-way to reinvent 21st Century Commerce
One common factor in all future costs of products and services will still be the Buying Prices, ensuring they're affordable for the majority will be the key
Until now, Commerce has relied on Demand to find the optimum Selling Prices, now flexible and predictable Deals automatically does the Selling
The Platform has Advanced Pricing  -  Flexi-Deals where Sellers can offer Price Demand and Predict-A-Deals with max 20% Buying Prices
Sellers don't just list their products and services, they can control sales from their Digital Sales Department  -  even have access to Free Economic Value
The Digital Era has the challenge of needing to scale vast amounts of Productivity as never before  -  only a New Global Economy can do that
The Platform has a fully autonomous SaaS architecture that's structured to conform to the ComTechX Industry
-  it adds the incentives for the Global Crowd to be involved in expanding the decentralized structure.
There's a new guy on the block who'll change the way we Sell   OMM    the Open Market Maker  -  OMM
Outsourced Selling incentivizes Supply and Demand to clear away the last barriers between Offline to Online O2O commerce
Localization in Main Street brick and mortar stores is the ideal transition point for O2O  -  a true Place of Trust to exchange fiat and digital cash
What's unique about Cloud Commerce is the digital trading cash exchanged in trade, it continually remains within the commerce environment
There's nothing Outsourced Selling is limited with, even wages for full time and part time work can have advantages for bosses and workers
eQconomy    Arrow    'free working capital'    Arrow    'add a bid or be eliminated'    Arrow    Buy @ 20% max

'free to earn - it never needs to be paid back, ever'                               strategize to win                         equal chance to win deals @ 20% max                         or buy a deal      
Number1 Number 2 Number 3
The full priced inventory listed by Sellers
is displayed on a unique platform
where the Global Crowd can earn
'free working capital'
The Global Crowd use the working capital
to set strategies in a bidding process
Deals are then released to local Buyers
at the same 20% or less winning bid
Once Deals are released to local Buyers
it's 'first to accept' and make payment
from a QwickPay account.
Escrow controls the full 100% payments
Free Advertising bypasses the time and money spent targeting potential buyers and goes directly to predictable sales
Outsourced Selling reverses the trend of cutting back local production and takes the fight to industries using overseas Labour Market.


 Free Direct Backing

Businesses and StartUps can get Free Direct Backing for their business ventures from Cloud Benefactors  -  without loans or giving away equity 

Local Media    QwickPic           QUIK-Pics
Local Media    Search               Business

Local Media    Global Market    Global Productivity Market
Local Media    Places                Places
Local Media    Locations           Global Productivity Market
Local Media    Portfolio             Portfolio
Local Media    QwickP2P          QwickP2P

Local Media    OMM                   OMM
Local Media    Queen Bee

Local Media    LA Agent            LA Agent

                  Sellers Exchange
Local Media
Local Media    Local Media      Local Media

Local Media    New Economy

Local Media    SME Cloudfunding

Local Media    ComTechX

              Money in Commerce is reinvented for the 21st Century
Money flow in old commerce is delayed by legacy systems  -  money flow in the digital era is in real time using digital cash
P2P Payment                   QwickP2P        
Build your own 80% discounts . . learn more                                                                                                                                                                                                        
It started with Gold being stored and paper cash being used  -  now it's the 'Ownership' that's stored and 'digital cash' being used

Every product and service is tracked in global productivity  -  generating a global wealth tax that's distributed in real time

Global Productivity Grid   Productivity Grid   

Until now, only way for someone to benefit from a business's or local economy's prosperity was with institutions  -  not anymore

. . . new trade routes will be forged by 'digital commerce' in the new scalable global economy

fuel   -   taxis   -   hotels   -   restaurants   -   events   -   travel   -   trekking   -   sharing   -   Cloudfunding Main St

groceries   -   fashion   -   books   -   delivery   -   content   -   subscriptions   -   On-demand   -   connecting
  -   insurance

health   -   education   -   energy   -   housing   -   leasing   -   logistics   -   Used Market   -   Used Cars   +   more
markets  -  supply and demand  -  advertising  -  payments  -  monetize  -  job creation  -  wealth distribution


Think of Cloudfunding as
the opposite of Crowdfunding

- instead of the Crowd paying money - now the Global Crowd is paid for 'Cloudfunding'

Every Seller trying to sell
products or services

- can now have an online strategy
with 'guaranteed sales'

Technology should benefit Us Free Advertising can help Us

- synergy between Automation and Us
  Sellers - Sign up for early access
We're opening up to Sellers early, so if your business wants to get 'a competitive advantage', add your details

  .  .  .  for more details

see the broader details of the Platform
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LA Agents
Open Market Maker    OMM
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the 'D.O.M.E.'
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