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Cloudfunding Exchange


  QwickPay  -  digitizes global payments with absolutely no fees, world wide!                           1 / 5   next

                                                             Qwickp2P - Pay Here

QwickPic helps sellers to make sales  -  QwickP2P completes those sales using Pay It Forward, Now!

It's a P2P commerce payment system linking Offline to Online ( O2O ), for everyday things we do  -  for free!

QwickPay connects buyers and sellers with a digital trading currency that's backed by real offline inventory!

It gives sellers the way to sell high at 100% list prices  -  and buyers to only pay up to 20% of those full prices!

It's not only for global commerce with new goods and services - it's also for Used Items in QwickFlip

It brings Main Street brick and mortar stores Online, making them the new Places of Trust  -  Location Hubs

To guard against fraud, the platform does not hold the fiat currencies  -  the cash remains in local economies

   -  it securely monitors the exchange of ownership as the digital cash is exchanged in trade around the world

The platform is not a currency exchange  -  it has the commerce mechanics to authenticate trade exchanges

QwickPay is a P2P commerce platform providing global contactless payments from fiat currency 2 digital cash

QwickPay is part of Global Chamber of Economies, it changes how global trade will operate in the digital era

Remittances become a natural part of global commerce, with no fees or fx margin spreads

As centralized systems fight fraud, QwickPay's decentralized system secures payments at local Places of Trust.

Security between both buyer and seller is paramount, Pay Caddy provides the free secure escrow feature.

How?        . . . by building Cloud Commerce with the Global Crowd

There are no bank accounts, no credit cards, no transfer fees and no foreign currency exchange fees!

Sellers pay no advertising costs on QwickPic  -  and have a guarantee to get full 100% sales profits!

Sellers and Buyers can use QwickPay mobile to send O2O, B2C, B2B and C2C payments world wide for free

                                                             Qwickp2P - Pay Here

To Pay It Forward, Now! with QwickPay  -  'the buyer is paying for someone else's purchase that was previously made by the seller with another buyer, 'Pay It Forward, Now!' simply completes the store's normal commercial sales activity!'

                                                  Turn Back The Clock

Why is Pay It Forward, Now! needed?                                      -  see exponential and ubiquitous exchange flow

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