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Cloud Capital     Chamber of Economies     Cloudfunding     CloudfundMe     Buyers     Crowd     Sellers     P2P     Groups     Places     SignUp     

DeCom Markets     Global Public Economic Utility Network     LED - Hubs     RingLink     SODA     FEV     Economic Engine     UDC     Smart Contracts     DFDC     UDI     PriceDemand     
Capital now flows along interconnecting economic highways
Trade Flow
.  .  controlled by users driving local productivity on a global scale
Cloudfunding challenges the banking industry's economic model and control of Capital flows, by redefining the way Capital flows are generated to flow into local economies
.  .  now a global public economic utility ( token ) network directly distributes free Capital, governed and authenticated by productivity to perpetually stimulate commercial activity
Cloudfunding is changing the way local Commerce works
in 3 steps
outsourced selling  -  global crowd  -  price demand

    QwickPic           QUIK-Pics
    Search               Business

    Global Market    Global Productivity Market
    Places                Places
    Locations           Global Productivity Market
    Portfolio             Portfolio


    New Economy

Local Media    DeCom Markets

Local Media    GeoCommerce

Local Media    SME Cloudfunding

    New Economy Defined

Local Media    Local Media      Local Media


     -   Seller Co-Ops
     -   Buyer Co-Ops

    Queen Bee         Queen Bee
What is a Global Public Economic Utility ( Token ) Network?

There are numerous public utilities like electricity and water that are there on a national and local level to serve and distribute a service to the local community at a cost ( sometimes free ) to help maintain the local standard of living  -  there has never been a time before the digital age and the internet when a global public economic utility could be established  -  to have a public decentralized economic utility network that can connect users and economies through the tokenization of economic value, from one side of the world to the other in real time, is timely, as the world's economic stability comes into question.

A bankless global economy that is decentralized down to local economies controlled by users is a step back into time when local economies depended on themselves to survive  -  now the local level has the means to take advantage of an instant global connection, where all users can exchange value without rentier costs.

The Global Public Economic Utility Network is a free service that provides the economic infrastructure highways, that help to distribute and maintain new Capital flows, which can be tracked across economies around the world where commercial activity is acted out  -  it provides new economic highways in which Capital validated as Utility Tokens can interconnect with other economies, and where users can democratically control the flow of Capital from one economy to another  -  there are incentives built into Cloudfunding for Capital to flow freely across economies and borders so that 'all boats rise' along the network.

Organic growth and trust

The mechanics of GPEUN is free of shareholders, leaving control with users to democratically direct the flow of Capital to intertwine into local economies, where the users are the buyers and sellers involved in commerce  -  the benefits of user control provides the organic growth and the building of trust that the global crowd needs to influence productivity  -  the need for this influence is transparent to all users by the real-time updates of productivity and economic growth displayed in the Global Chamber of Economies.

It means that a user, regardless of where they are located and live can have the same tools in which they can collect free economic value and use it as an incentive to help stimulate their own economy and other economies around the world  -  each user now has access to tools that they can financially gain on a level playing field to other users  -  users ( and businesses ) simply download an app and Opt-In to collect free economic value as they access content or surf the internet, without needing to get caught in the noise of advertising.

Multiple benefits and growth

Users can now control their own economies by benefiting from products listed by sellers wanting to sell  -  these seller inventories located in local economies spread around the world as utility tokens provide the access for users to change the way Capital flows get distributed into the local and national economies  -  this is now the digital age where there is no limitation to the distribution of economic wealth, and even more importantly how it's generated.

As a public utility the benefits and economic growth can flow along the highways in an instant when economic support can be moved from economy to economy without central control or bureaucracy  -  the direct benefit apart from sellers gaining full selling prices and buyers paying what they can afford, is the way the sustainable economic impact can have on building on a debt free model that gives everyone access to the value added into the economies, with each user having the benefit of a UDI portfolio.

Those benefits that users gain are distributed from a homogeneous network of economies working together that don't extract value like the world has come to see so frequently with the banking model  -  the productivity that leads the distribution of Capital has a linear growth that only increases as new productivity is added to the volume of Capital flowing across the economies.

In the background Cloudfunding separates the supply side from the demand side in two separate open markets where incentives can be implemented to stimulate activity in the trading of products and services from seller to buyers.

Distribution Lay Out
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Cloudfunding is DeCom
" Cloudfunding does for modern economies in tokenizing the local economic value                                 

                                        .  . 
as what the invent of coinage did for commerce and trade in ancient times! "
" Now,  local economic value is universally issued, owned and governed by the people,  for the people             

                                                         .  .  to fully monetize productivity across global commerce and trade! "
Decentralized Commerce
Economic Ingrastructure Hierarchy
ComTechX the industry, combines Commerce and Technology, bringing together Offline and Online Commerce into the new economy with a streamlined commercial ecosystem
.  .  it operates in an autonomous infrastructure, in the way the internet was intended, with an ubiquitous universal value synchronizing all the global economies to operate as one
Economies in most countries have been separated into two separate entities, those below the line produce and add economic value, those above take from that economic value
Global Chamber of Economies find a balance by providing local economies with the voice and platform to operate independently and retain the economic wealth that is produced
Separation of Commerce from the Banking and Financial System in Cloudfunding's economic infrastructure acts similar to how the Glass-Steagall Act operated from 1933 to 1999
.  .  this was when the retail side of banking was separated from the investment side, which involved speculation on the stock markets and a main cause of the Great Depression
Local SMEs can change the status quo by outsourcing the selling of their inventory at guaranteed full selling prices to gain a competitive advantage against big box competition
Cloudfunding gives SMEs predictable cashflows so they have the confidence to invest in stock and upgrades, which lead to jobs  -  ingredients for a better local economy
Cloudfunding shifts the economics
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