Subliminal Interactive Advertising            .  .  brings Subliminal Interactive Advertising to local Media

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Global Inventory Value

Local Media    Local Media       Local Media
      -  Media Future
      -  Content Connection
      -  Monetization
      -  Print  /  TV  /  Web

    NewsFeed          News Feed
Food Pantry    SocialDemand   QwickChat

    QwickPic           QUIK-Pics
Local Media    Search               Business

Local Media    Global Market    Global Productivity Market
Local Media    Places                Places
Local Media    Locations           Global Productivity Market
Local Media    QwickBids         QwickBid
Local Media    QwickP2P          QwickP2P

                  Sellers Exchange

Local Media    OMM                   OMM
Local Media    LA Agent            LA Agent
Local Media    Content Kings   Content Kings
Local Media    QwickPics         QwickPics Mobile App


A bigger pool and balanced distribution will level the playing field

Until Cloudfunding, the Internet lacked the economic infrastructure to seamlessly transition Commerce from the Old Economy to the New Economy  -  the early Internet allowed a breed of incumbents the time to establish new gateways ( moats ), sending many industries back to being the new generation of serfs, who would have forever been beholden to those with the controlling power  -  Cloudfunding has built that missing economic infrastructure with a long term gain, on a much bigger global scale that challenges those incumbents.

Media has a greater role to play in global issues  -  Cloudfunding simply offers the run-way

What Advertising offers, is an intangible function to attract Demand to Supply  -  as a paid service it has always been an incomplete loop in predicting or being accountable for sales in the Commerce cycle  -  Cloudfunding solves that missing link in the loop by commodifying advertising's display function into a neutral international trading unit of account, one that freely flows digitally across borders, allowing international assets and liabilities to be tracked and balanced, in real time.

Cloudfunding is the Digital Economy's missing economic infrastructure

Cloudfunding is an autonomous cloud-based ecosystem platform that commodifies and validates the dynamics of Digital Advertising into an economic value  -  paid Digital Advertising has proven to have a commercial value as a revenue source and a stream of gold for the early players of the Internet  -  Cloudfunding reverses the role played out in paid advertising, and instead of a Seller paying for the exposure of products or services, that display action is commodified and validated as an asset class value of exchange, and released for free to global users to collect as free working capital  -  which directly guarantees sales of products and services at the full selling prices for the Sellers, free of costs.

Cloudfunding disrupts Commerce's marketing dynamics by exponentially and perpetually commodifying the Digital Advertising's mechanics on a global scale, using algorithmic fractional economics  -  this new digital asset class value is reverse-engineered as a friction-free neutral trading unit of account that's distributed globally and ubiquitously, and seamlessly tracked internationally as free working capital  -  and appropriately termed as Free Economic Value  -  it solves the conundrum of the missing economic infrastructure value backing the New Digital Economy  -  the 4th Industrial Revolution now has its own autonomous, debt free and ubiquitous river of gold that's freely distributed to the global crowd  -  it democratically generates a sustainable value governed by true productivity to help drive the world's economic growth in the 21st Century  -  ensuring the promise of the world wide web is delivered  . .  that everyone be included in the Digital Age.

Cloudfunding gives the Internet its ubiquitous financial freedom

The New Economy is the digitization and democratization of the commercial flow of value through Global Trade and Commerce using digital technology to track a neutral international units of account, which in some way is the digitizing of what the IMF have tried with SDR  -  SDR is a restricted Special Drawing Rights value  -  a foreign-reserve currency also termed as XDR, which is created like quantitative easing but without printing money or have any true backing  -  its objective has been to replace gold and US Dollars  -  its role is for IMF member countries to draw down the SDR at various costs so it can be exchanged between trading countries to balance trade surpluses and deficits.

What the New Digital Economy does with Cloudfunding, and in particular with DFDC - Direct Foreign Decentralized Capital, is validate the Free Economic Value against genuine global productivity, allowing it to be globally used ( compared to the limited use of SDR ) to fully democratize trade  -  removing the incumbents to open up global economies to free open markets with an interconnecting ubiquitous flow with a neutral international trading unit of account value  -  making it freely available for the people of the world, and countries, to control and operate with in real time, within the real economies.

Digital Infrastructure Flow


There're 2 ways to get revenue, one is add QwickPic ads directly from the network or get exclusive customers.

Instead of Publishers and Marketing Agents getting businesses to pay to advertise, they can now offer it for free.

The effort shifts from convincing customers to pay, to keeping a constant range of products listed to be sold.

The more incentive Publishers make it for non paying customers, the more % is made from the predictable sales.

News publications can contribute news to the Platform or add Outsourced Selling to their feeds to find the Crowd

Publishers already have traditional networks of businesses and readers, what they don't have is the right incentive.

There only needs to be minimal QwickPic views to get better sales, instead of annoying viewers with excessive ads

It's how Publishers can truly help businesses sell their products and services, and change their industry's future.

Outsourced Selling and Free Advertising will give Publishers a key role in the Scalable Global Economy.

Local Newspapers were often the voice of towns, they can be again by driving the economy with Free Advertising.

Local Newspapers selling print and epaper versions with Subscriptions can use Outsourced Selling as incentive.

Media can have their own 'Willy Wonker  -  Golden Ticket' serendipitous moments, changing consumer behavior.

Exclusive codes only need to be captured from print by a mobile and launched through the networks to millions.

It's an ideal way to use IA  -  Interactive Advertising with demographics that grew up reading print and watching TV.

Even movie streaming and cinema tickets can be sold using Free Advertising, while exposing to a Global Crowd.

There's a wide scope available to gain new clients that may have been missing before, such as sporting events

  Publishers can now look past the 'era of paid advertising' and be part of the 'bigger global commerce'.

The world can't afford to lose talent in the media industry, just because content is expected to be free.

    .  .  .  read more about 'The 'Content Connection'  
Check out a Deal Registration and Cloudfund Strategy

See a Snap-Shot view of a Cloudfund strategy and bidding for Deals

Cloudfunding generates Price Demand  -  digitizes 'cash' to flow ubiquitously around the world

What's The Monetizing Moment?

Cloud Commerce operates by Outsourcing the Selling to the Crowd by Cloudfunding

How Sellers Outsource their Selling to the Crowd?

QwickP2P   'Pay it Forward, Now!' completes the sales activity for sellers!

As UDC is validated and exchanged in the Digital Economy it permeates out into local economies!

see the connection of players that help achieve 'Productivity' :   Global Cloud Productivity

Wherever your Location is - you are not alone!

    Join the Crowd that's going to get it right - get updates about the coming launch!                                     
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